Event Committees

Each committee consists of a Director, an Assistant Director that is appointed by the Director, and any number of DAM members as volunteers. Each Director is elected annually by DAM members.


  • Collaborate with respective committee members to create and host events for DAM and its members.
  • Facilitate respective committees’ ideas for events that require funding to the Treasurer.​
  • If necessary, coordinate with the Organizer to procure suitable venues for events.

Assistant Director:

  • Support Directors with their responsibilities and fill in as Acting Director when necessary.​

Arts & Cosplay

Director: Vacant

This committee encourages collaboration with members of the organization to develop their artistic and creative skills through art/cosplay workshops, contests, and games. This committee will also assist the Brand Manager with the visual branding of the Dallas Anime Meetup through logos, fonts, graphics, and various items to ensure a consistent visual representation of the group.

Anime Discussions

Director: Vacant

This committee facilitates discussions through a variety of anime voted on by Dallas Anime Meetup members. Events hosted by this committee encourage our members to explore different genres or styles of anime through discussion topics, games, and trivia with possible prizes.

Fun Activities

Director: Kayode

This committee provides the DAM a fun and welcoming environment with group activities such as, but not limited to, seasonal parties, karaoke, Round1 invasions, dessert crawls, ice cream socials, etc.

Japanese Media & Culture

Director: Vacant

This committee explores various forms of Japanese media, culture, and language. Events range from theatrical showings, in-house screenings, concerts, learning language and culture through study sessions, resources, and informing members of events hosted by unaffiliated Japanese associations.

Interested in joining?

DAM members can join any, even multiple, committees by submitting the Committee Member Application form. No need to submit multiple applications if joining several committees. If a member wishes to leave the committee, they can do so after notifying the Director of the respective committee.

If you’re interested in Director or Assistant Director positions, follow the links below!

Director Application Form
Assisstant Director Form