Steering Committee

The Steering Committee’s role is to lead the organization to fulfill its mission and goals through oversight of the organization’s operations, policies, and finances. ​​Each role is elected annually by DAM members.

If there are any positions vacant after the election, members can apply to fill a position here.


Official: Kory

The organizer is tasked with providing leadership and making decisions for the steering committee and the meetup. The organizer is responsible for facilitating and delegating as needed to fulfill the organization’s goals. This role is also responsible for building and maintaining strong relationships that are essential to the operations of the organization.


  • Act as a visionary and provide leadership for the organization.
  • Support the steering committee and event committees to ensure each role meets its goals and duties.
  • Procure venues and ensure it adheres to the Dallas Anime Meetup guidelines and safety regulations.​​
  • Manage the official Discord server as necessary to fit with the organization’s needs.​


Official: Amber

The secretary is responsible for the administrative duties of the organization to optimize workflow procedures and communication through management of documents and access for logins. This role will assist the steering and event committees with planning and distributing information. The secretary will also be head of the Governance Committee.


  • Maintain the creation and organization of DAM documents, as necessary.
  • Manage the access and logins for DAM, as well as assisting the Organizer with the official Discord server.
  • Oversee and manage the Governance Committee.


Official: Cody

The treasurer’s primary responsibility is to manage the flow of money and keep accurate records of all monetary transactions for the organization. This role presides over the budget and makes sure resources are allocated properly for no-profit and solely for the functions of the meetup.


  • Oversee the management of the financial affairs of the organization.
  • ​Provide routine financial reports and updates to the Steering Committee as necessary.
  • Assist the Community Coordinator with fundraising activities.​

Community Coordinator

Official: Erin

The community coordinator’s role is to develop a strong bond between the community and leadership team. The coordinator will focus on member engagement by advocating for the members, promoting volunteer opportunities, and ensuring community feedback and queries are addressed. The coordinator will collaborate with the Treasurer and committees to explore fundraising opportunities.


  • Acknowledge feedback from the community and communicate it to the Steering Committee.
  • Assist with conflict resolution that may arise in the community.
  • Collaborate with committees for fundraising opportunities.

Brand Manager

Official: Walter

The brand manager is responsible for maintaining DAM’s brand image and values through promotional activities via social media, events, and external relationships. This role will collaborate with the steering and event committees to translate the organization’s missions and values into a brand that can be conveyed to the public.

  • Maintain DAM’s various social media content and accounts such as Instagram, Facebook, website, etc. 
  • Assist the secretary with the necessary procedures, documents, and logistics required to manage DAM’s assets and brand.
  • Coordinate with the committees to inform and update the community on current DAM events.